Shield (Number Tower), 2024, sand cast aluminium, polished aluminium, steel, paper, graphite, plaster paste, 61cm x 39cm x 36cm, by Richard Clements.

Shield (Number Tower), 2024, sand cast aluminium, polished aluminium, steel, paper, graphite, plaster paste, 61cm x 39cm x 36cm

Shield (Word Shelf), 2024, sand cast aluminium, polished aluminium, steel, paper, graphite, plaster paste, 61cm x 39cm x 36cm, by RIchard Clements.

Shield (Word Shelf), 2024, sand cast aluminium, polished aluminium, steel, paper, graphite, plaster paste, 61cm x 39cm x 36cm

Shield (Monster Cartoon), 2024, sand cast aluminium, polished aluminium, steel, paper, graphite, plaster paste, 61cm x 39cm x 36cm by Richard Clements.

Shield (Monster Cartoon), 2024, sand cast aluminium, polished aluminium, steel, paper, graphite, plaster paste, 61cm x 39cm x 36cm


Stations of the Cross: Part 1/Atlas House/2024


Cloister/Nickle Galleries/2024